
Production control relies on machines – that’s what the most of us think!

Business is closely correlated with a spectrum of human relations.

Processes in manufacturing companies comprise various steps that eventually lead to the final product. An integral consideration of the entire process chain ensures a partial optimization in the various process steps without affecting another process step negatively.

The continuous and correctly positioned optimization of processes entails vast advantages for a business: the reduction of lead-time and scrap in sub-steps, cost reduction through lean production processes. Depending on the size of businesses and their production units, our clients have positively experienced the temporarily operative deployment of our interim managers. Through the service of our interim managers, we have been able to significantly contribute to rapid implementation in projects by focusing on the overall benefits. The value created exceeded the costs for the deployment of an interim manager.

Interim Management stands for us for bundling our thorough experiences in rapid implementations and for a close collaboration with both, management and staff. Only this enables a project to be sustainable.

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